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Foto del escritor: Ms.c Jaime O. Lizarazo Ms.c Jaime O. Lizarazo

Actualizado: 19 jul 2022

De conformidad con lo previsto en la "Ley Estatutaria 1581 de 2012", y sus "Decretos reglamentarios" 1377 de 2013 y 1074 de 2015 capitulo 25; autorizo de manera previa, informada ,consentida, voluntaria e inequívoca como Titular de datos a "DIVOCOL SAS" para que realice el respectivo tratamiento de mis datos personales, mis imágenes y/o videos, y en especial aquellos definidos como datos sensibles, para que sean incorporados en una base de datos, responsabilidad de la "DIVOCOL SAS"; tratados con las siguientes finalidades; académicos, empresariales, investigativos, científicos, de proyección social, comerciales, culturales, recreativos, deportivos, de interés general nacional e internacional, y para las actividades que se enmarquen dentro del objeto social, académico e institucional. De igual modo, declaro que no me encuentro obligado a autorizar el tratamiento de mis datos personales sensibles y que he sido informado que puedo ejercer los derechos de acceso, corrección, supresión, revocación o reclamo por infracción sobre mis datos, mediante escrito dirigido a "DIVOCOL SAS" en la dirección de correo electrónico, indicando en el "Asunto"; el derecho que deseo ejercer; o mediante correo ordinario remitido a la dirección, Carrera 17a # 175 - 82 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. con base en la política de tratamiento de protección de datos, a la cual podré tener acceso en la página web

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Unknown member
Dec 17, 2024

What Are Google Promotion Services and How Do They Work?

Google promotion services refer to digital marketing strategies that enhance your business visibility on Google. These include SEO, Google Ads, and content marketing to drive traffic and improve rankings. Google promotion services help businesses target audiences effectively. Qdexi Technology offers expert solutions to maximize your online presence using these innovative services.


Unknown member
Jun 27, 2024

Was on the lookout for a reliable vape store near me and happened to stumble upon puffsupplylv Despite the fact that it is an online store, it works like clockwork. The user-friendly website, wide range of products and fast delivery times make it a great choice. There were no problems with orders and all products were as described. I will gladly order here again.


Unknown member
Jun 25, 2024

The helper tower for toddlers from Woodandroom has become an indispensable item in our home. The child enjoys helping in the kitchen, in the bathroom and even participating in small household chores. It not only develops his skills but also teaches him responsibility. The quality of the tower is top notch, it is easy to clean and looks very stylish. I recommend it to all parents who want to involve their children in household chores while keeping them safe.


Unknown member
Mar 11, 2024

Euro pleat drapes from helloalva exceeded my expectations They look very refined and add a special zest to the interior.


Unknown member
Mar 11, 2024

DolletWallet is one of the best cryptocurrency wallet apps I have ever used. It offers a wide range of features and functions to manage your cryptocurrency funds.

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